Review: Proactiv Acne Body Bar- Blast Away Acne From Head T

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Looking for a solution to banish those pesky pimples from your body? Look no further than the Proactiv Acne Body Bar! This Salicylic Acid Cleanser and Acne Treatment is the perfect addition to your daily routine, helping to cleanse your skin and prevent new body acne from forming.

Whether you're dealing with neck acne, mild acne, or even feline acne (yes, it's a thing), this body bar has got you covered. It's great for all different types of acne, including those pesky pimples around your mouth or on your cheeks. Plus, it's gentle enough to use on sensitive areas like your breast, vaginal area, and lip line.

But don't just take our word for it - this body bar has some serious pros:
- The salicylic acid helps to exfoliate and unclog pores, preventing new acne from forming.
- It's a great value for the price, especially compared to other acne-fighting products.
- The refreshing scent and lather make it feel like a luxurious spa treatment.

Of course, no product is perfect, and there are a few cons to consider:
- The bar can be a bit drying, so be sure to follow up with a moisturizer.
- Some users may not love the soap texture, which can make it difficult to lather up.

Overall, we highly recommend the Proactiv Acne Body Bar for anyone dealing with body acne. It's a great addition to your daily routine and can help you get one step closer to clear, glowing skin.

Bottom line: 8/10

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